International Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Science

IJSMMS is a forum for publication and dissemination of original work related to basic and applied engineering sciences. Researchers all over the world are welcome to submit their papers covering theoretical, numerical and experimental topics in continuum and applied mechanics, in both their linear and non-linear aspects.

Publication Frequency: 2 Issues per Year

ISSN (online): 2636-9435

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ir. Sattar S. Emamian


Papers submitted to the journal undergo a peer-reviewing procedure coordinated by the editorial board and cover areas below:

- Solid Mechanics
- Mechanical behavior and design
- Vibration
- Tribology
- Finite Element Method
- Numerical modeling
- Metals and alloys 
- Nanomaterials
- Material characterization
- Smart materials
- Composites

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